서명 / 저자Higher plant cell respiration / edited by R. Douce and D.A. Day ; contributors, T. ap Rees ... [et al.].
개인저자 Douce, Roland. Day, D. A. (David A.), 1949 July 27- Ap Rees, T. (Thomas), 1930-
발행사항Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1985.
형태사항xvi, 522 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
서지주기Includes bibliographies and indexes.
주제명Plant mitochondria. Cell respiration. Plants Respiration.
ISBN0387139354 (U.S.)
청구기호581.103 E56


번호 등록번호 소장위치 청구기호
1 2021234 일우문고 일우R581.103 E56 v.18 c.2
2 1179059 백암문고 암R 581.103 E56 v.18